Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It's that point in the year, when everyone seems to be reflecting on the year that is almost over, and looking ahead to the year that is coming. My Pea-In-A-Pod Friend posed this earlier today, and I have to agree with her (as usual - there is a reason we are peas-in-a-pod after all): 

Truth: I've never understood New Year's celebrations. Out with the old, in with the new! Next year is going to better! Now is the time for change! We can finally hope for something different, something better despite the fact that tomorrow is likely going to be the same agent as today! I don't really *get* it. 

I believe that every sunrise is the opportunity to celebrate the newest new, the freshest fresh start and the cleanest clean slate one can have. And I personally like to celebrate that moment from the comfort of my bed, with my eyes closed. I may need to re-evaluate, but for now, that's the reality of my gratitude. Note to self: be more aware & grateful. Also, get your lazy ass out of bed more/earlier/without fuss. 

And so, here we are: the entire world* celebrating NEW! and POSSIBLE! and CHANGE! and BETTER! this *one* day when perhaps we should actually acknowledge this Every Day. 

But then I think, at least the entire world* celebrates together. And THAT, my dear, is truly a miracle. For today, the human race is largely in harmony. AROUND THE GLOBE, people are engaging in local traditions to celebrate the very same thing. Synchronicity. Commonality. Shared humanness-ity. When I think about *that*, it's actually kind of miraculous & beautiful. All the humans rejoicing together, celebrating together, hugging together, hoping together, fireworks at midnighting together ... 

New and Possible and Change and Better: I'll take it. On this and every new day.

Well said, my friend. 

If there was one lesson that I learned from 2013 (and frankly, 2012 too), it's that today is an awesome day, and the perfect day to try anything, especially something new. 

That being said, I did create some goals for myself in 2013. I decided to call them goals, vs. resolutions, due to the connotations around the American concept of "resolution". I wanted to set up guidelines to myself, but at the outset, agreed with myself that if I didn't accomplish something, I wouldn't feel guilty about it. What's the point? In January, you have no clue what will happen by December 31 - why do that to yourself. 

So here is what my 2013 Goals look like now:

Couple of notes:
1. When I put this list together, I had no idea that I'd be able to afford working with a personal trainer. But my sweet friend, PM, started and as it is cheaper with more than one person, I joined her. We work out with our trainer (and friend), Mary, twice a week. I LOVE IT and no one is more surprised than me, at that utterance. But what I learned in the transformation, is that my body needed to build strength and muscle, so while the numbers maybe didn't match my goal, I gained so much more than weight loss. 

2. 5k goal: I participated in 9 races, 8 of them timed. I was signed up for races on June and July (two weeks apart), but got a really nasty summer cold/bronchitis/walking pneumonia, and didn't complete them. So there was only one month where I didn't participate in a 5k (due to laziness) and I am so proud of myself, that I am giving myself a yes!

3. I'm experiencing some weirdness in my professional life that has nothing to do with me, but with a leadership change. The short version is the position for which I was hired, has 3/5 of the duties in limbo, as the new leadership contemplates "stuff". I am super lucky in that my boss totally has my back, so I am still employed. And while not completely fulfilling, I'm flexible enough to have taken on some side projects to keep myself mostly engaged. I do not know what will happen in 2014, but know that whatever it is, it will be fabulous. Just have to be patient. 

I am in the process of finalizing my 2014 goals and you will see some repeats, either because they didn't get completed this year, or I liked them enough to continue them for this year as well. 

In looking at my list and my results, if I had to choose one word to describe this year, it is Accountability

This is the year where I became accountable to myself for my wellness and health. In addition to working out with my friend and our trainer, to whom I am (financially) accountable twice a week, I also participated in my university's health coaching. At least once a month, I spoke to a super nice lady who encouraged me and challenged me to do just a little bit more for myself. And I did. 

I was accountable for showing up every day at work with a happy soul and a can-do spirit. Granted, there were a few days, because of the limbo, where that was more difficult than others, but because of my boss' commitment and the lovely colleagues I have, I find ways to get back to center (and thanks, ladies and gents for that). 

I was re-taught how easily and quickly those one cares about can be taken, or injured, and am thankful for the injuries to have been healed and treated. As far as those who passed away, I remember them every day, in some way. So in this way, I am accountable for letting those around me know that I care for them, because one of us may not be here tomorrow.

In starting this blog in July, I became accountable for not letting it languish. I challenged myself to try new things, I challenged myself to keep posting, and at the end of this year, I am really pleased with what I've created, and look forward to what it will become this coming year. (Last January, the idea of this blog was still just a kernel of a thought!).

I am accountable in my relationship with Spouse. He teaches me something everyday. Whether I want to or not. :) 

Did you set up goals for yourself for 2013? 
Are you pleased with the achievements? 
Are you setting goals for 2014? 

No matter how this year is ending for you, 
I wish you much happiness, life lessons, and a grateful spirit for 2014!

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